May News
In this Edition
Blue Mountains Prayer Furnace
Love in Action -Ukraine Appeal
World Prayer Assembly
Revial Continues in Myamar
Join us on the 14th May in a Night of United Prayer nad Worship in the Blue Mouintains
As the Federal Election gets closer it presents a wonderful opportunity to unite in prayer to pray for Australia. We will spend time to Lift up the name of Jesus, to Exalt his name , to sing his praises. If you are within reach of the Blue Mountains Join us next weekend.
Over the last 2 months Generation Fire ran an appeal to help the Refugees fleeing the war in the Ukraine. We would like to thank all those who made a donation. We were able to send $1600 AUD to help Ps Filip Rashev and his church in Sofia to purchase fuel , clothing, pay for electricity and other expenses towards accomodating Refugees they are taking care of.
There is an estimated 300,000 refugees who have come through Bulgaria. And close to 4 million who have fled the war. We had some wonderful testimonies of the gospel being shared with some families .
We will keep the Appeal going as the need is ongoing.
For those of you who remember The World Prayer Assembly in 2012 thousands of believers had converged on Jakarta indonesia to join in a Global Prayer Gathering , 10 Years on our Indonesian friends have sensed to mobilise the Body of Christ once again in the Month of May. This Month is a Huge Month for United Prayer and Global Prayer. We invite you to join in with this Assembly which will be live streamed on Youtube and Zoom. Details to come.
Revival Fire
That's right , you prayed for this and God answered.
For the last 2 months there has been a move of God amonst the children of Myanmar many of them are orphans but no longer as they met Jesus and they now have a family.
By the grace of God and your prayer support we can rent the bigger house for Messiah children Home and worship gathering. On the next coming Sunday we will gather for worship at the new house. Under His protection we are secured and sustainable though there are in worse situations in our country. Our church gathering is revival taking place. The children and youth are awakening and leading revival movement.
This is what's happening in Myanmar