September News
In this Update
Video form the Founder
Prayer Furnace @ Hope Church Bathurst
God answers prayer
International News
Love in Action
Saturday 24th September Hope Church Bathurst Gilmore St 6pm
The beauty of God is revealed when we come together and seek his face like Jacob. This is what we live for.
With other borthers and sisters in christ we come to hunger and thirst for righteousness. We come to give Glory to Jesus and to God our Father. We come as one to see His Will done and His kingdom come.
Join us on the 24th September in Bathurst - RSVP via the link below
God Answers Prayer
With so much prayer taking place im sure many of you would wonder how many of those prayers are answered. Did you know that majority of those who have yet to meet Jesus have never seen a miracle nor have they had a prayer answered. There are many Christians who are in the same boat. Being apart of a movement that has prayer at the core. It becomes normal to see prayers answered.
Generation Fire holds weekly online meetings Firehub on Wednesdays and Campfire on Sundays. God wants to ignite Firehubs and Campfires all across nations. Especially in Australia.
In recent months we have given time during these meetings to specifically pray for needs. Sometimes its for a job, other times its for provision and then its for healing. We pray often for God to reveal his presence and to pour his spirit. And for God to open doors.
Some of prayers that God has answered have been during the Wednesday Nights What we witness every week is Gods manifest presence , the Holy spirit leading the meeting, a beautilul flow on people being used by God with different gifts like Prophecy, Words of Knowledge , Sharing Revelation , to praying and speaking declarations. Recently we had a lady who was in Chronic pain right up and down her body , she was in too much pain to go to work. We prayed with her as a group on the call. Within a few minutes she said all the pain had left her body. SHe had been suffering that pain for years. Another Answered prayer was in Myanmar a Pastor was suffering from Covid he was down for days just week. After coming onto the FIrehub he was healed by Jesus and now their church is experiencing Revivakl.
The reality is God answeres prayer on a daily basis. God is at work and if you join us on Wednesday Nights you will also witness God at work.
International News
Reports from Pakistan & Uganda
Pakistan News
This is Zeeshan from Genfire Pakistan our team with our church prayer team and other pastors in prayers and we are going to expand it with pastors next month we shared with them and they are agree to join us in generation fire prayer movements. This next month we will launch a prayer furnace
Uganda News
On the last weekend of August , Evie Uniwana hosted a Gatheirng of Next Generation people to spend time in Prayer and Worship and to hear the vision of Generation Fire. This is was wonderful to see people who are hungry for revival to come together in United Prayer.
Pakistan Flood Appeal
ppeal for floods in pakistan Pakistani people have been badly affected with floods and millions of people displaced and lost everything due to devastating floods, hundred of people lost there lifes and it’s very terrible condition here We are praying for them and it’s time to share the hope of Christ with them and pray for them So we are packing food boxes, tents, drinking water for those people