The Fire Burns Within

Hey Everyone

God has been doing a very deep work over the last couple of weeks - where I have been under going a self examination of the heart.

Sometimes its good to do this.

The examination refers to the condition of our heart, what is in our heart, Am I intimate with Jesus.

If so how intimate.

What am i carrying in my spirit - is it something pure or is it mixed. 

When we are handling the Fire of God there is no room for flesh.  So if we have self or things that are from self popping up it will get exposed and be burnt in the fire.

Or we start to mix with what is known as strange fire.  Is the Fire burning in our hearts pure, is it Holy Fire, the Fire of God.

The Fire of God always starts from within- then moves to the rest of the body.

I've written an article recently to the leadership team - so below are some of what I shared with them last week.

As we continue this journey we become ever more aware that we need to stay close to Jesus , ensure he is at the centre of who we are and what we do.

We are aware of our conduct, how we spend our time, who we spend our time with and what we eat. We become aware of our speech and our thoughts we are developing a Fear of god.

We are realising we are handling Fire – that is dangerous and we can burn. The Fire is in our hearts, in our guts, it burns all the time, is the Fire pure – or is it mixed.

We don’t want to ever allow something impure to come into our hearts where we go into strange fire.

How to keep the flame pure? I think that is the next phase in this journey, we shone away from self promotion – its not about personalities its about Him.

His name be lifted up..  Our hearts are the first thing to go, then our minds and emotions.  God wants to own everything, and everything needs to be consumed.

This thing has to be genuine, it has to be pure, it has to be the real thing, the Fire is his, it has to show fruit. Let’s aim for the Fruit in our lives to be sweet and to reflect is nature.

At the end of the day what is all this about- His amazing love over a people and generation, a special call and purpose to arouse a sleeping and dead church to intimacy to that we can be a bride again.

To go into places that are dark and light candles or a flickering flame that becomes bushfires to Firestorms.

To walk in revelation, knowledge and might knowing what burns with in , this is sovereign , God is doing this – he is moving by His Spirit and has chosen us for this time and hour to be his ministers of flames of Fire – its all around us, over us and in us.  You can feel it, hear it .

His burning passion, love for his people his bride.

He is restoring , rebuilding, activation, empowering  and releasing.

Donny McGregor